UITBREKEN is a game designed for one or two players based on the Dutch designer Hansje Van Halem. Born in the Netherlands, Van Halem has made an impact in the design world with her unique designs. Usually described as hypnotic and psychedelic, her designs are heavily textured and colorful. She has covered many different areas of design, such as book covers, corporation identities, stamps, and more. Her work also includes architectural design, and her work within that field has heavily inspired this game.
The goal of the game is simple: Fight your way through the streets of an Orwellian society that prohibits creativity and liberate the world. Throughout the game, you will have the opportunity to design certain objects in the world. The more you design, the happier the world becomes.
Designed as an arcade game, the game encourages the players to get in touch with their creative side and have fun, just as Van Halem does!